I adore the sweetness of strawberries with tart crispy rhubarb. What a better way to spice up some vodka!? This vodka turned out so fantastic! Here's how:
First, make sure your bottle of vodka is only half full, or three quarters full. Hull strawberries and cut them into quarters. Cut unpeeled and unsweetened rhubarb into one inch pieces.
Drop the strawberries and rhubarb into the vodka. It looks gorgeous doesn't it?
Place the bottle in a cool place. I chose a high shelf in a kitchen cupboard.
Shake the bottle once a day to mix up the fruit. Do this for seven days.
This is what the bottle looked like on day 3. That vodka sucked all the color out of the fruit! I opened it up at this point and it smelled a little like farts....... I was soooooooo disappointed!
After 7 days, pour the vodka over a fine strainer into another container. Be sure to press on the fruit to get all of that delicous alcohol out of there! I used a potato masher and it worked wonders.
Even after the three day fart smell of this vodka, it turned out better than I had hoped! It was tart and sweet, and uber-dangerous to drink because it tasted just like juice! I had some friends over for vodka tasting and bbq and it was gone in about an hour! Be careful there. :)
Hope you make this lovely friends! It is soooo easy. Enjoy.
These look delicious!
Posted by: colored jeans women | 07/27/2012 at 02:23 AM